Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl Funday!

So like most Giants fans around the nation, I'm flying high from an awesome Super Bowl! One thing I didn't do much of during the big game -- was eat! So why the hell is my scale such a bitch this morning? FML!

Monday, January 30, 2012

I am sofa king hungry

(If you don't get it, read the title out loud.) Any way you say it -- gosh, this is going to be a cumbersome week to diet. I am starrrrving. Tomorrow is the big cattle call, and it's taking every ounce of will power I have not to pounce on the extra Smart Ones lunch I have in the freezer for such emergencies. I'm sitting here with my 20 oz of water, hoping, with each glorious sip, I'll be suddenly full. It ain't working. FML. Cheers, S.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekends are my nemesis

I don't know how I'm ever going to lose weight when every week includes weekends. That's when all of my naughty urges come out! Monday through Wednesday, I'm by the book perfect! But Thursday night I start to veer off into my own little world. I find ways to substantiate every little "cheat" --- ohhh I didn't have a full serving of X so I really have 2 points left... or well, I did lift extra high on the leg lifts in Zumba tonight. ARGH! I'm telling you, Thursday morning, the scale is always at its best... then come Monday, it's a hot mess. I can't live without enjoying myself, so that's not the answer... but there has to be a way to have my cake and eat it, too (and not have it show up on the scale!) Cheers, S.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sitting at the edge of your seat, are you?

Sorry, sorry, sorry for the delay! I was actually asked today, "So how did you do???" and I realized I never bragged about my miraculous loss of an entire POINT EIGHT pounds! Yes, that's right - .8 / POINT EIGHT --- PPPPOOOOIIIINNNNT EIGHT. Holy crap! I'm ready to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe! Just call me SKIN AND BONES baby! I'm on my way to supermodel status! Very true, at least it wasn't up .8 -- it was, yes, down... and ALMOST a pound. Yet not quite. So technically, I'm about a half pound off track from where I should be...which in my book means I'm allowed to whine. Not wine. To whine. Well, maybe a little wine. FML! Cheers, S.

Monday, January 16, 2012

'Twas the night before weigh in...

...and I'm a basketcase yet again. This time, I'm not crying wolf, I'm crying fat. It was a rough weekend. Two parties! I managed to eat well at one, not-so-well at another, but drank like a fish! Ahhh - my diet nemesis...red wine! I'm trying not to let it get me down too much, because I know I'll come back fighting next week. I just really, really need to lose at least 1 pound to stay on track with my goals. I exercised a lot this weekend, but not as much as I'd have liked to. And, mother nature will have her say in the scale this week as well, if you get my drift. Argh! Like I said, I'm trying to not let it get to me. (And if you believe that, you'll believe anything!) FML! Cheers, S.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The girl who cried wolf?

Okay, I'm sure you're all thinking this of me by now, as I'm hopelessly obsessed with the scale... and all 'woe is me' i'm not going to lose weight. But seriously. Scale was up 3 lbs one day, down 4 lbs the next day. Up 2 lbs the next day, down 3 lbs the next day. And you're all right. It doesn't matter what the scale says every day in between, it's what it says on Tuesday that matters. However, I firmly believe that if I was not to check on any day except Tuesday, I would be far less motivated. Seeing the numbers actually motivates me to do better, so this is all part of my fat therapy. Oh and in case you haven't seen the latest headlines, the net result of WW - W1 is a loss of 3 lbs. That's 3 lbs closer to being the hottie with the million dollar body. Or at least the hottie with a size 6 bootie. Here goes week 2! WML! Cheers, S.

Monday, January 9, 2012

1 week down ? to go

Well week 1 will officially be over shortly, and tomorrow evening I face the scale again. This morning, the lost pound was still lost, but TBH, I was really expecting it to be more. Back when I was a young whippersnapper, I could lose 4 lbs the first week no problem. Now I'm struggling to get rid of one little one. Old age sucks. But this is a good time to recap my plan... 2 lbs every week for 10 weeks. Then 1 lb every week for 10 weeks. Total - 30 lbs. And for those of you who don't think I need to lose that much weight, oh yea, I do. I could even stand to lose another 10 on top of it and still be within what is considered "healthy." However... I do like a little meat on my bones. If I didn't have my weight to obsess about, I'd probably obsess about something insane... like my hair. Oh wait. Shit! Cheers, S.